Sexually transmitted diseases / infections are also called venereal diseases. These diseases can be transferred from one person to another through sexual intercourse or in cases where there is contact of the genitalia of the partners. These infections can be passed through anal, oral or vaginal sex. Most STDs and STIs will affect an individual in cases where they have sexual intercourse with an infected person. Some of the infections can also be spread through other ways and this includes the scabies. These are known as STDs and STIs because they are generally spread through sexual intercourse. There are approximately 25 varied STD and STIs and they have a wide range of symptoms.
What is STI?
A sexually transmitted infection is any viral or bacterial infection that is transmitted from one person to another through sexual activity. These infections can be spread through sexual intercourse and this does not only refer to unprotected sex. Some of these infections can be spread through anal sex, oral sex, skin to skin contact or through sexual touching. The infection is spread through coming into contact with bodily fluids that include blood, saliva, vaginal discharge and sperms. The examples of STIs include gonorrhea, anal warts, genital warts, Chlamydia, hepatitis B, syphilis, trichomoniasis, pubic lice and HIV/AIDS.What is STD?
STD is a sexually transmitted disease that is spread from one person to another through sexual contact. This disease can be spread through anal sex, oral sex and vaginal sexual activity. It can also be spread by coming into contact with blood, semen, vaginal discharge of an infected person. The infected person does not usually present with symptoms but the infection can be spread from one person to another.What's the Difference Between STI and STD?
STD refers to the sexually transmitted diseases while STI are sexually transmitted infections. STI is spread through sexual activities that include oral, vaginal and anal intercourse. When one has been infected with an STI, the infection can change to become an STD with time. There are many factors that will influence this transformation and they include continual exposure, genetics, environment, immunity and continual activity of having intercourse without protection.Most people prefer using the name STI because there are very few infections that one can be infected with, without the actual disease. People who do not show symptoms may not consider themselves as being sick and this may cause them not to seek medical intervention. It is important to note that one can be having the infection without symptoms and this will require treatment.
What are Common STD & STI Symptoms?
Most of the STIs and STDs will not show any symptoms but the infection is present and can be spread from person to person. The common symptoms that people will present with include:- Increased vaginal discharge and this may be foul smelling
- Pain while urinating or a burning sensation
- Itching around the genitalia
- Pain when having sexual activity
- Abnormal loss of blood through the vagina after sexual activity or in between periods
- Lower abdominal pains
- Increased temperature (fever) of above 37.80C
- Throat pains after having oral sex
- Ulcers on the genitals and this includes the vagina and the penis
- Ulcers or blisters on the anus or mouth
- Genital warts
- Penile discharge in men
- Pain in the testicles in men
- Redness or swelling near the vagina or the penis
- Rashes on the skin
- Night sweats
- Having diarrhea or loose stools
Preventing Measures for STI & STD
- It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse until one is married to a faithful partner. This is the only safe way that one can be able to avoid infections.
- It is also encouraged to avoid having many sexual partners and stick to one faithful one. The higher the number of sexual partners one has the higher the risk of getting an infection.
- The people who have many sexual partners are advised to use a condom each time they are having sexual activity. It is important to remove the condom very carefully and ensure that all sperms remain in the condom while avoiding leakage. It is also advisable to use a lubricant that is water based to avoid breaking of the condom.
- It is important to practice monogamy because this helps to reduce the risk of becoming infected.
- It is encouraged to go for regular checkups especially for people who are sexually active. This will help one to reduce transferring the infection to another person. It is also encouraged for both partners to go for checkups together.
- It is encouraged to avoid using drugs or alcohol before one engages in a sexual activity because it increases the risk of getting an infection because one is not likely to use a condom.
- It is encouraged to learn more about STDs and STIs so that one can protect themselves.